Operation Catalyst


American Black Hawk and Apache helicopters lift off from Camp Smitty in Southern Iraq.

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Operation Catalyst is the Australian Defence Force's (ADF's) contribution to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Iraq.

Operation Catalyst commenced on 16 July 2003 following on from Operation Falconer. Working with the Interim Iraqi Government, the ADF continues to contribute to Multinational Force efforts to develop a secure and stable environment in Iraq and assist national recovery programs.

Operation Catalyst currently comprises approximately 1320 Australian Defence Force personnel.

The Al Muthanna Task Group (AMTG2) has two tasks, to provide a secure environment for the Japanese Iraq Reconstruction and Support Group (JIRSG) and to assist in the training of local Iraqi Army units so they are able to take

American Blackhawk and Apache helicopters lift off from Camp Smitty in Al Muthanna Province, Iraq.

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